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Opening hours 2024

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Exceptional opening hours:

Christmas Eve
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Christmas Day

Read more here

A simple conversation is often an important first step. Don’t be afraid to let your friends, family, teachers, or anyone else know how you’re feeling. If you want to remain anonymous, there are helplines that offer support by phone, email, and chat.
In case of emergency, call 112.

Parts of the proceeds go to
Tim Bergling Foundation


Tim Bergling Foundation was founded by Klas Bergling, Anki Lidén, and their family after Tim passed away. The foundation advocates for the recognition of suicide as a global health emergency and actively works to remove the stigma attached to suicide and mental health issues. The foundation supports science-based organizations engaged in research and preventative actions against mental illness and suicide, particularly among young people.

For more information about Tim Bergling Foundation’s work, please visit

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